I'm back on NG once again to hire another talented content creator with the main difference being that this time, I'm looking for a music man!
I'm currently animating a 12-minute-long student film called The Milkman. It's a campy horror film that follows a milkman's journey as he stumbles upon a mysterious cabin within the woods while on his daily route that's owned by an odd man. Once inside it derails into a surreal and gorey nightmare where he's faced with a hellish entity that's keeping the homeowner hostage.
I'm looking for someone that is able to compose music that fits the 1950s time period and is able to amplify the giant shift in atmosphere from happy-go-lucky to dreadful. Also, this is going to be a bit tight schedule wise since the film is due at the beginning of May, so I'll need it before then. I obviously plan on paying, however due to me being a college student with no outside source for the film it'll be less than industry standard. I also plan on sending what I currently have, such as the animatic to give a good idea on the flow of the film.
Please direct message if you are interested either here or twitter with some samples of your work!
Here's a link to my website page dedicated to the the project so you can have a better idea on what it looks like.
Have a wonderful day!
edit: This is closed again lmao